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Year 3- Peridot

Welcome to Peridot Class

Class Teacher: Mrs Simpson 

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Holsgrove

Teaching Assistant: Miss Nicholson

Autumn 2


Welcome back from what we hope has been a restful and relaxing half term break.   


We would just like to remind you that we would really appreciate it if you can find time at home to complete EdShed spelling activities each week. These are linked to the learning in school and are consolidated each Friday with a dictation activity.  We would ideally like children to spend 10 minutes a day on these activities.


Times tables continue to be a priority and we would encourage you to practice these with your children.  Times Tables Rockstars is a brilliant programme that enables children to practice and improve their times tables while enjoying themselves and creating their own avatar!  Again, we would like everyone to spend at least 10 minutes a day on this.


We are looking forward to celebrating Christmas with the children this year and invite you to our Christmas celebration on 12th December :)


Have you been on Times Table Rock Stars today?


Did you know....?

  • Knowing your times table facts can help you to understand lots of other maths such as fractions, decimals, money, time & division!
  • If you can recall multiplication facts quickly when solving a problem you'll have more 'space' in your brain for reasoning!
  • 5 minutes a day on Times Table Rock Stars can help you remember those tricky tables and improve your score!