Pupil Premium
Edgebury Primary School receives a ‘Pupil Premium Grant’ from the Government for each child that is eligible for free school meals (‘FSM’), or has been eligible at any time in the last six years. A similar grant is also received for some children in the care of the Local Authority, and children of armed forces personnel. We are pleased to make special provision, using the PPG, for these children to ensure that they are not disadvantaged by their family circumstances. Our Pupil Premium Policy gives further details of this provision. In summary, the children eligible for FSM are making very good progress, thanks to this provision.
Obtaining all of the grant that we are entitled to on account of our children being, or having been, eligible for FSM is very important to us and if you think your child is eligible for FSM, please contact the school to discuss this in complete confidence.
No Edgebury school employees have a gross salary of £1000,00 or more.