A Message from the Head Teacher
Welcome to Edgebury Primary School.
The purpose of our website is to inform parents, pupils and visitors about the school’s policies, activities, events and of the standards that we endeavour to achieve in our teaching and learning.
All of the staff and governors are united in our commitment to the continuous improvement of the quality of teaching and learning through collaborative professional development. We recognise every child as an individual, and we endeavour to support the academic and personal development of all children who attend Edgebury Primary School. We encourage children to have a sense of purpose and responsibility, and to take pride in their achievements and to see value in the achievements of others.
Our vision is rooted in the values: one team, one vision – excellence through Respect, Opportunity, Creativity and Challenge, forming the acronym Edgebury ROCCs. We promote tolerance and acceptance for all, benevolence, forgiveness and excellent behaviour for learning.
At Edgebury we welcome parents and carers to take as wide an interest and involvement as possible, because we know that children make faster progress when we work in partnership.
Seeing ourselves as part of a wider community we work in a school improvement focused partnership with primary schools: Poverest, Southborough and Downe, which along with Edgebury form the AFACT Group. We also endeavour to develop existing and new opportunities to work with people and institutions across London and internationally.
We hope that you enjoy exploring our website to see our record of Edgebury Primary School as we continue to develop and evolve. Thank you for taking an interest in our school.
Matthew Velada-Billson
Head Teacher