
EdgeburyPrimary School

Edgebury ROCCs

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General Information

Class teacher: Miss Sampson     Teaching Assistant: Miss Venables




PE is on Tuesday Mornings . Please ensure that your children bring in the appropriate PE uniform (labelled) into school and are not wearing earrings. 


Reading Books


Children will also bring home a book banded reading book.

These should be brought into school everyday so that we can hear your child read. Please write in your child's reading diary to indicate that they have read at home. 

Children will also bring home a class 'library' book on Fridays. These are for children to borrow each week to enjoy with their families. Please return the books by the following Friday so that we can replace it with a new one. 

Further information about reading at Edgebury can be found on our website under the OUR LEARNING TAB > CURRICULUM > ENGLISH


Home Learning


Home Learning is set on a Friday and should be completed by the following Wednesday.

Please talk to your child about the task set and help them to sound out any words that they need to write. You can also write down what your child says if their ideas are longer/more complex. Children should be encouraged to 'have a go' at writing to develop pencil control, letter formation and application of phonic knowledge. 


Contact us - Class Email Address

If you do have any further questions or enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact me on the class email 
