
EdgeburyPrimary School

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Attendance & Punctuality

School Day

The school day starts at 8.55. Doors open from 8.45 at which point children can enter their classrooms.

KS1 break at 10.10-10.25 a.m.

KS2 break at 10.30-10.45 a.m.

KS1 lunch between 12.00 and 1.00 p.m.

KS2 lunch between 12.30 and 1.30 p.m.

Key stage assemblies are on Mondays and Wednesdays (vision & Values celebration)

Singing assemblies are on Fridays (KS2 at 10.00 a.m. and KS1 at 2.45 p.m.)

The school day finishes for Early years (reception) at 3.20, KS1 (years 1 and 2) finish at 3.25 and KS2 (years 3,4,5 and 6) finish at 3.30 p.m.

The school is therefore open for 32.5 hours per week.


Guidance for parents on when to keep your child off school


Remember: ‘Every day counts!’

Please make sure that your child is at school on time and here every day, unless they are ill. If your child is absent from school please let the school office know.

For safety reasons please remember to let the school office know by 2:30 pm if a different adult is collecting your child. It is essential that the office have this information. We are unable to let children leave school with a different/unrecognised adult if we have not been informed about this in advance. At Edgebury Primary School, we have high expectations of attendance from all children. We strive for every child to be in school every day. Regular attendance is essential to ensure children reach their potential both academically and socially.

The Department for Education has strict guidelines for absences to which schools must abide:

“Regular attendance is crucial to raising and maintaining high attainment. If pupils do not come to school, they cannot learn what is taught in a lesson, practise what has been taught, or improve on their performance. There is a clear correlation. Pupils who attend regularly achieve more highly.” (OFSTED Framework section 4.3)


Authorised and Unauthorised Absence

  • It is the parent/carer’s responsibility to inform the school by calling or emailing as soon as possible on the first day of a child’s illness, followed by a letter explaining the reason for absence on the child’s return. If an explanation is not received, the absence will be recorded as unauthorised and will remain on a pupil’s attendance record permanently. This continues throughout their time in primary, secondary and further education.
  • If your child is absent and you have not contacted the school you will receive a call from a member of staff and be asked to give a reason. This is referred to as First Day calling and is a safeguarding duty of the school.
  • All absences due to illness, over two days in length may be required to be supported by medical evidence e.g. An appointment card/letter, copy of a prescription etc. (This can be shown/copied at the school office.)
  •  For planned medical absences to be authorised a copy of the planned appointment letter must be given to school in advance for the appointment.
  • The DfE attendance advice published in November 2013 states:

Headteachers should only authorise absence in exceptional circumstances. If a Headteacher grants a leave request, it will be for the Headteacher to determine the length of time that the child can be away from the school.

To this end, there will be no authorised leave given to children for holidays or travel during term time, except in exceptional circumstances. Such leave will be marked as unauthorised and the matter can be referred to the EWO who has the authority to issue a Fixed Penalty Notice.

  • Absences are held on children’s records, reported at the end of the year to parents and the accumulated totals collated by the DfE.
  • When a child is absent due to vomiting and/or diarrhoea, please ensure that he/she is symptom free for at least 48 hours before returning to school.


For children who fail to achieve expected levels of attendance, parents will be informed either by phone or in person, with a view to providing support and advice to improve their attendance.


Attendance during one school year

Means this many days absence in one academic year

Which is approximately this many weeks absent

Which means approximately this many hour of learning lost


9 Days

2 Weeks

50 Hours


19 Days

4 Weeks

100 Hours


29 Days

6 Weeks

150 Hours


Punctuality plays a significant part in maximising a child’s potential for learning and academic attainment, as well as enabling children to feel settled and synchronised with the rhythms of every day school life.


When a child arrives late into class, teaching is always disrupted, which can be embarrassing for the child and frustrating for the teacher. Teachers often have to repeat the first part of the lesson, if not possible the child who arrives late invariably struggles to access the learning.


We accept that occasional problems occur, including congested traffic, emotionally difficult mornings, etc. and so we are more concerned with patterns of lateness. Although 100% punctuality is what we all aspire to achieve.


As we monitor lateness, patterns will inevitably emerge, following which we will meet with parents/carers to collaboratively devise solutions.


We hope that we can depend upon your support in this endeavour, which is rooted in our commitment to provide every child at Edgebury with the best possible educational, social and emotional experience, with the hope that every child can thrive and reach their full potential.


Late Arrivals

• All class registers will be taken promptly at 9am.

• Children who arrive at school after 9am must be brought directly to the school office by their accompanying adult. • The accompanying adult will be asked to sign their child in, and provide a reason for the late arrival.

• Unaccompanied children who arrive after 9am must also come to the school office to be signed in and receive a late slip. • Office staff will register each child, take their lunch order and then issue them with a late slip.

• The child will be asked to take the late slip with them to class and hand it to the teacher. This will inform the teacher that the child has been registered.

• If a child arrives at class without a late slip, they will be asked to return to the school office to be registered.

• These arrangements will always be performed in a friendly manner as providing a warm welcome to every child and parent is our priority.

• If meetings with parents need to be arranged to discuss a pattern of lateness, they will take place in the absence of the child to ensure that children are not burdened with responsibility for issues that are outside of their influence.


Late Collections

• Parents and carers who arrive late to collect children will be asked to sign them out at the school office giving a reason for the late collection.

• Whilst we understand that from time to time there may be issues with traffic, we do ask that every effort is made to collect children on time at the end of the school day.

• Repeated late collections can have an impact on pupil wellbeing.



Every absence or late arrival at school means crucial learning time is lost


Attendance Letter to Parents Template
