
EdgeburyPrimary School

Edgebury ROCCs

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General Information

Sapphire Class Teacher: Miss Harding    Sapphire Class Teaching Assistant: Mrs Garner



PE is on Tuesdays and Fridays. Please ensure that your children bring in the appropriate PE uniform (labelled) into school and are not wearing earrings. 


Reading Books

Children will also bring home a book banded reading book. These reflect the sounds that your child has learnt.

These should be brought into school everyday so that we can hear your child read. Please write in your child's reading diary to indicate that they have read at home.  Your child will also be able to access a Shared Reader which we will also be reading in class. These are digital copies and can be accessed each week by following the link in the Phonics tab on our class home page.


Home Learning

Mathletics tasks are set on a Monday and should be completed by the following Monday.

Writing Challenge is set on a Thursday and should be returned by the following Tuesday.


Contact us - Class Email Address

If you do have any further questions or enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact me on the class email 

