
EdgeburyPrimary School

Edgebury ROCCs

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Special Educational Needs

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities 


The SEND Co-ordinator (SENDCO) is Mrs C Pester who is also the Inclusion Manager for the school.  If you would like to contact her or make an appointment to see her please do so via the school office (                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        


Have a look at some of our provision!

Edgebury SEND Padlet

Please see our SEND Padlet, which includes all of our SEND information and approaches. The padlet also includes many resources and links which children & parents may find especially useful.  Please click on  to open the padlet.

Made with Padlet

SEN Support in Mainstream Settings- The Graduated Response

A short video explaining SEND support in schools.

What is an Education, Health and Social Care (EHC) plan?

Developed by the Council for Disabled Children, an easy to follow short animation for parents, practitioners and others who want to quickly learn about the EHCP process

Bromley's Local Offer

The Bromley Local offer helps children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities and their families to find the information and support they are looking for from across Bromley in one place.

For families we want these pages to be clear, easy to access and have all the information you need to understand what is available to children and young people (from birth – 25) to help to support their educational, health and social care needs in Bromley. But we also want to be able signpost you to other local organisations, initiatives and activities that might be of interest or help to you.

AFACT Foundation Trust - Supporting Children Who Have A SEND - A Helpful Guide

Pupil & Parent Voice - March 2022
