Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) Curriculum
At Edgebury Primary School we are committed to providing all pupils with the knowledge, understanding and skills to keep themselves healthy and safe and to develop and sustain healthy and supportive relationships. We aim to ensure all pupils leave Edgebury being equipped for lifelong learning and prepared for life in a diverse society. We align RSHE to our school values of Respect, Opportunity, Challenge and Creativity, developing the qualities and attributes that children need to manage life’s opportunities, challenges and responsibilities as they grow up, enabling them to thrive as individuals, family members and active participants in society.
We provide a framework where sensitive discussions can take place and prepare pupils for puberty, giving them an understanding of sexual development and the importance of health and hygiene. We teach pupils the correct vocabulary to describe themselves and their bodies. We aim to create a positive culture around issues of sexuality and relationships, helping pupils develop feelings of self-respect, confidence and empathy.
We follow the 1Decision programme of study for RSHE, which is a unique bank of continually updated resources, evolving and changing to meet the needs of every child and school. 1Decision is in line with both the statutory curriculum and good practice for the subject. It is a reflective programme and always aims to meet the needs of its users.
Children are taught age-appropriate topics, within the following modules:
Years 1-3 | Years 4-6 |
A topic overview listing the modules for each year group can be found on our school website. Knowledge Organisers, which detail progression in each topic for each year group, can also be found on the website.
We have the same high expectations of the quality of pupils’ learning in RSHE as for other curriculum subjects. Each topic includes a baseline assessment which enables teachers to assess pupils’ current knowledge, skills and understanding in that area, from which learning can be planned for. There are ongoing self-assessments throughout each topic, giving pupils the opportunity to reflect on their own learning. Self-assessments can include written notes, drawings, mind maps, practical work or reflective diaries. A high importance is placed on questioning and discussion in RSHE sessions, allowing pupils to verbalise their learning and understanding. These self-assessments and discussions allow teachers to recognise progress and attainment and plan for further learning. Evidence of pupils’ learning can also be recorded in whole-class ‘floor books’, which pupils contribute to with pictures, photos, reflections or annotations of work.
Our RSHE curriculum is monitored throughout the year by school leaders and RSHE subject leaders. This monitoring includes learning walks, evidence in self-assessments and whole class books, pupil discussions and questionnaires, staff questionnaires and meetings between school leaders and RSHE leaders.